To promote the sale of handicrafts in Vanuatu, a handicrafts biosecurity awareness video and handicrafts vendor guide were launched during the Pacific Week of Agriculture in Port Vila last month.
Hon. Matai Seremaiah Nawalu, Vanuatu’s Minister for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Forestry and Biosecurity jointly launched the video and vendor guide with Jenny Da Rin, Australian High Commissioner to Vanuatu and Georgina Roberts, New Zealand’s High Commissioner to Vanuatu.

Developed by the Australia and New Zealand-funded Pacific Horticultural and Agricultural Market Access (PHAMA) Program, the video and vendor guide were produced in consultation with biosecurity authorities in Australia and New Zealand and in collaboration with Vanuatu’s Department of Biosecurity, Department of Tourism and artisans and vendors from the private sector.
The sale of handicrafts is an important source of income for many families in Vanuatu. However, a limiting factor to the growth of this industry is the cautious buying behaviour by tourists who are uncertain of the quarantine status and overseas biosecurity requirements of certain handicrafts.
The video will be made available on cruise ships and offers information to tourists on what can and cannot be brought into Australia and New Zealand, as the key markets for Pacific tourism. The vendor guide will be distributed among handicrafts artisans and vendors to improve their awareness of biosecurity requirements.
As part of PHAMA’s capacity building objective, the program is also supporting a training of trainers’ workshop to help artisans, vendors, quarantine and tourism personnel, and other interested stakeholders understand how to use the vendor guide.
With the launch of the video and vendor guide, better returns are expected from handicraft exports and stakeholders will be better equipped with appropriate information to minimise the risks of exported handicrafts being rejected at quarantine borders.
PHAMA has also supported the development of similar awareness materials in Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.
For further information, contact Rebecca Bogiri at or on + 679 7736016