Enhancing the resilience of Agriculture market systems to climate change in the Pacific Islands countries and Timor-Leste

Climate risks are reshaping market dynamics. How do agricultural businesses adapt?
Australia’s MDF and PHAMA Plus are working with Pacific business partners to manage and adapt to climate risks and tap into business opportunities. Our partners have found that investing in #climatesmart agriculture and #sustainableagriculture practices can help businesses tap into new market demand for environmentally friendly, low-carbon produce, through agricultural certifications and value chain emissions verification. A new collaborative brief by MDF and PHAMA Plus looks at innovative, market-based ways to enhance resilience in the agriculture sectors of Timor Leste and Pacific Island Countries by:
- Introducing climate-resilient seeds and crops
- Supporting farmers to reduce the excessive use of agrochemicals and practice integrated pest and disease management
- Promoting improved waste management and the use of organic fertiliser to ensure soil health
- Supporting investments in clean energy for food production and primary processing, and
- Co-investing value chain emission verification and certification, among other things.