Sitting from left to right) Her Excellency Helen Tunnah – New Zealand High Commissioner to Niue; Honourable Esa Sharon-Mona Faitala Ainu’u – Minister for Natural Resources; Honourable Dalton Tagelagi – Premier and Minister for Central Agencies and Commercial Agencies; Honourable Crossley Tatui – Minister for Infrastructure and Finance; and Her Excellency Susan Allen – Australian High Commissioner to Niue. (Standing from left) Frank Sioneholo – Director, Trade Dept of Finance & Planning – Government of Niue and Poi Okesene – Director, Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries – Ministry of Natural Resources

Partnership a plus for Niue’s export

A new agreement has been established for technical support in Niue under the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER Plus).

The agreement between the Government of Niue and the Australian and New Zealand funded Pacific Horticultural and Agricultural Market Access Plus Program (PHAMA Plus) aims to facilitate agricultural trade and support development opportunities arising from participation in the PACER Plus agreement.