Kaiming Agro-Processing is one of the largest suppliers of ginger in the world.
The PHAMA Plus Program partnered with Kaiming to support the procurement of new equipment and improvements to processing facilities, and the development and adoption of inclusive business processes and practices.

Specifically, through the partnership Kaiming has established a safe, secure and comfortable accommodation facility for women workers from remote locations saving them from long travel times or expensive temporary accommodation.

We also developed a Workplace Domestic Violence Policy, and trained management and staff on its scope and implementation.
The policy places the rights and safety of the domestic violence survivors at the centre of the company’s response, with commitments to referral to support services, confidentiality and leave provisions. The policy adopts a zero-tolerance approach to perpetrators of domestic violence articulates and raises awareness of the many forms domestic violence can take.

Posters to raise awareness about preventing violence against women in the workplace and home and how to access support services were distributed and displayed around the processing facility and in the women’s accommodation centre. 

For more information please contact Country Manager – Fiji, Navitalai Tuivuniwai at n.tuivuniwai@phamaplus.com.au