Revolutionising ginger production in Fiji
When Calvin Qiu started his small ginger farm at Navua in 1997, he had little to no farming experience. All he had was a passion to learn and tenacious spirit to excel.
Over two decades later, Mr Qiu has grown to be one of the country’s biggest exporters of the much sought after spice.
His company, Kaiming Agro Processing Pte Ltd, has built a strong reputation across Australia and beyond with its range of ginger and turmeric products.
By sourcing produce from over 750 registered growers across Fiji, the company has a franchise with the Ginger People Co, one of the world’s largest distributors of ginger and turmeric products.
Ginger from Fiji is known for its rich, earthy flavour and premium roots, making it a top choice in global markets.

Fresh ginger is Fiji’s fourth largest export earner in non-sugar agriculture, with increasing demand and opportunities for value added ginger products in markets like USA, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Asia.
However, ginger and turmeric industries have faced challenges such as biosecurity compliance issues, insufficient processing capacity and gaps in food safety standards, which have in turn hindered growth, and restricted market access.
Under the renewed and elevated Fiji-Australia Vuvale Partnership, Australia and Fiji are working together to support industry players like Kaiming Agro meet international standards and undertake market research to help promote and strengthen trade and market access for Fijian products.
Australia, through the Pacific Horticultural and Agricultural Market Access Plus (PHAMA Plus) Program, supported Kaiming Agro to upgrade its processing facility with new and advanced equipment.
Through this support, Kaiming Agro now has improved processing capabilities with more storage capacity for brine ginger and expanded facilities for receiving and washing raw ginger. The company also has a new processing line for organic ginger and turmeric products fitted with advanced processing technologies.

In the past, limited processing capacity hindered the company’s growth, but through targeted support, Kaiming Agro has not only enhanced its efficiency but also introduced higher-value products to meet the evolving demands of international markets.
Mr Qiu says the incorporation of X-ray and artificial intelligence colour sorting technologies has strengthened the company’s food safety standards, streamlined operations and increased overall efficiency.
The company’s growth has also provided valuable economic opportunities for farming households in Serua, Namosi and Tailevu.
“This growth has been driven by key upgrades, including in Food Safety Management Certificate FSSC 22000 V6 certification, which is key to enter US and EU markets, particularly supermarket stores,” Mr Qiu said.
Food safety has also been a major priority for Kaiming Agro. With technical assistance from PHAMA Plus, Kaiming Agro has successfully built food safety practices and obtained international certifications, enabling its products to reach new markets. This focus on quality and safety has positively impacted rural farmers through increased export opportunities, ultimately improving their livelihoods.

Kaiming Agro has also fostered inclusive business practices with support from PHAMA Plus. The company has created safe accommodation for women workers from remote areas, addressing long travel times and housing costs. Kaiming Agro has also introduced a Workplace Domestic Violence Policy, offering training for staff and management to ensure the safety of all workers, particularly survivors of domestic violence.
With a workforce of 180 employees, 130 are women who are involved at all levels of production and hold supervisory level posts.
For Mr Qiu, what was once a passion for farming has now turned into a thriving business, taking quality Fiji ginger to the world.
For more information, please contact Country Manager – Fiji, Navitalai Tuivuniwai at