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Under Pacific Horticultural and Agricultural Market Access program (PHAMA) activity SOLS19 (Technical Report 87), it was recommended that PHAMA assist Biosecurity Solomon Islands to convene a bilateral quarantine meeting with the Papua New Guinea National Agriculture Quarantine and Inspection Authority (NAQIA) to discuss and finalise the draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on quarantine cooperation between the two countries. This meeting was convened on 25 November 2014, at the NAQIA Board Room in Port Moresby. This report captures the outcomes of that meeting and is intended to serve as an addendum to Technical Report 87. The main outcome of the meeting was reaching agreement over draft MOU text on the Bilateral Quarantine Cooperation between the Solomon Islands Government and the Government of Papua New Guinea. The meeting also agreed on a series of recommendations, including that NAQIA progress the MOU through its national formal process and that both countries collaborate on progressing market access for a list of selected commodities agreed at the meeting.

Key words: quarantine, inspection, biosecurity
