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 Category: Technical Reports  View

The purpose of this report is to outline the feasibility of the use of winter window as an alternative for
the risk mitigation of Tonga’s fruit flies of economic importance that affect certain commodities at
certain times of the year. As requested by the Tonga Market Access Working Group, specific
consideration is given to access for watermelon to New Zealand.

The report is structured into:

  • Recommendations for the Tongan Market Access Working Group
  • An overview of the current Australia-New Zealand winter window arrangements
  • Discussion on the fruit flies in Tonga and the potential commodities for access into New Zealand
    under winter window arrangements
  • Future trials and analyses that may be needed.

Initial discussions on the feasibility of access under winter window arrangements were held with New
Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (NZMAF) in Wellington on 27 April 2011. Consultations
were held with commercial and government representatives (see Appendix C) in Tonga from 28 April
to 2 May 2011. Initial consultations with relevant scientists were conducted via email during May 2011.
NZMAF confirmed willingness to consider a comprehensive proposal from Tonga for the winter
window pathway. They also emphasised the complex nature of this approach and the need for both
solid technical information and confidence that it could be implemented.

Key words: watermelon, zucchini, fruit fly, winter window, pest risk management
