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Since first being detected in 2006, Giant African Snail (GAS) has spread widely in and around Honiara and to several areas on Guadalcanal. To date GAS has only been identified in two provincial areas: eradication appears to have been achieved at Noro while the response is in its early stages at Makira. However, due to limited surveillance and awareness in provincial areas, GAS may be distributed more widely than currently understood.

Eradication is beyond the resource capability of the Solomon Island Quarantine and Inspection Service (SIAQS) and they are now focused on control strategies to manage the pest on Guadalcanal while preventing its spread to other islands. These strategies are generally appropriate; however, implementation has been inconsistent and had limited impact due to a lack of resources and limited collaboration between stakeholders.

Key words: containers, Giant African Snail, container washing facilities, wharf, fumigation, methyl bromide fumigation, distribution, control strategies, container hygiene, quarantine, biosecurity
