Festival highlights women’s contributions to cocoa industry

From May 30 to June 1 Solomon Islands’ Cocoa Industry Working Group held the country’s first Cocoa Festival in Honiara. The Working Group, established through PHAMA’s assistance in 2012, hosted over 100 attendees at the event including cocoa producers, buyers, exporters, local businesses and government representatives. As part of the week-long festival, a Cocoa Competition was held to judge the highest quality produce. Cocoa producer Elsie Sedo from Guadalcanal Province

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Pacific Cocoa Export Industry Overview

Pacific Cocoa Export Industry Overview Background Cocoa production in the Pacific has a long history and was once a thriving industry, with Pacific cocoa sought for its fine flavours and unique qualities. However, global competition, natural disasters, cocoa diseases and under-investment have led to progressive long-term decline of the industry. Today, cocoa remains an important cash crop in PNG, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu and a significant source of livelihood

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Improving import conditions for pacific handicrafts

Improving import conditions for pacific handicrafts Throughout the Pacific, woven mats and tapa cloths are used for social, ceremonial and decorative purposes. These handicrafts are often bought by tourists as a cultural memento of the Pacific Country they visited. Irrespective of size, woven mats and tapa cloths are permitted into New Zealand. However, up until recently, a requirement for these goods to be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate verifying the

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South Pacific timber delegation investigates value-added exports

South Pacific timber delegation investigates value-added exports A recent Solomon Islands Timber Export Mission to New Zealand and Australia has been deemed invaluable and opened discussion about the potential of value-added, sawn timber exports in the region. The group of Solomon Islands timber exporters and government officials visited Australia and New Zealand to meet with exporters and importers to investigate the market requirements and opportunities for Solomon Islands sawn timber. 

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Event highlights outstanding quality of Samoa’s export commodities

Event highlights outstanding quality of Samoa’s export commodities An array of Samoa’s potential export commodities was proudly showcased under one roof during the recent Samoa Association of Manufacturers and Exporters (SAME) event, ‘Buy Samoa Made’, held in Sydney. About forty of Samoa’s potential exporters gathered for the trade show along with industry and government officials from Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific islands. This was followed by the launch

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