Enhancing Environment, Climate, and Resilience
in the Pacific Value Chains

The PHAMA Plus ECR approach works with the private sector to enhance adaptation and resilience in business models and to design de-risking opportunities by: 

  • Piloting business opportunities using sustainable technologies and practices.
  • Managing waste by introducing circularity and safer disposal methods.
  • Identifying and connecting the actors in value chains for ECR services and support.
  • Providing training and knowledge-building sessions for farmers and businesses through government organizations and CROP agencies. 
  • Creating awareness of environmental and climate risks, risk management strategies, and implementation of safeguards. 

The PHAMA Plus ECR strategy was launched in June 2023.

Key Drivers for the ECR strategy:

  1. Introduce ECR at a market systems level.
  2. Build shared understanding towards the design of intervention with ECR activities.
  3. Provide Country teams with a basis for discussions with potential partners.
  4. Integrate GEDSI into the ECR solutions and services.
  5. Ensure compliance with DFAT and MFAT environment safeguards and national regulations.

Resilience Activities