Feasibility Study of Selected Horticultural Exports from Fiji to Australia

The Fiji Market Access Working Group (MAWG) requested that the Pacific Horticultural and Agricultural Market Access Program (PHAMA) conduct preliminary export feasibility studies for six horticultural products to determine whether there is merit in pursuing formal market access arrangements for the Australian market. A study was undertaken during January–February 2012 in Fiji and Australia to assess the commercial prospects for the six commodities identified by the Fiji MAWG. During the course of the study, okra was identified as having significant promise, so the list was expanded to seven products, as follows: Breadfruit, Jackfruit, Pineapple, Chilli, Eggplant, Bitter Gourd, Okra

Key words: biosecurity, feasibility, horticulture, agriculture, Eastern Australia, domestic market, export, wholesale markets

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