Implementation of the Australian Fumigation and Accreditation Scheme (AFAS) in PHAMA Countires

The use of methyl bromide fumigation treatments for quarantine purposes is crucial in preventing the spread of plant pests and diseases that have significant economic and environmental consequences. Like most chemicals, methyl bromide is relatively safe to use and is effective if applied correctly; however, if applied incorrectly or without appropriate precautions, the treatment is likely to be ineffective and can potentially cause harm to people and the environment. Methyl bromide is used extensively in Pacific Horticultural and Agricultural Market Access Program (PHAMA) countries for pre-shipment and quarantine purposes on a wide range of import and export product. Being relatively inexpensive and quick acting, it is a favoured treatment over more expensive and less readily available treatment technology.

Key words: Methyl bromide, fumigation, chamber, quarantine

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