PNG National Coffee Symposium
Differentiation is needed to escape the low value commodity market. It is intended to be beneficial across the value chain but particularly for the one third of the country’s population who are smallholder coffee farmers.
Despite the many challenges faced by Papua New Guinea’s coffee sector, it is well positioned to benefit from new market opportunities. It also has the potential to concurrently increase production quantities of commodity coffee that can serve the demands of newly emerging coffee consuming nations while expanding price differentiated offerings for developed markets.
All coffee stakeholders in PNG from cultivation through to export stand to profit from cooperative collaboration toward a common national goal of strengthening performance, profitability, and sustainability of the industry.
We therefore, invite participants to share in the interactive and high level symposium, including: i) legislators; ii) coffee farmers and businesses iii) service providers and training institutions in the industry and wider agriculture sector; iv) organisations with strong agribusiness and rural development programs; v) organisations and representatives in the development of women and youth; vi) representatives from the private and public sectors; vii) tech experts interested in developing access to finance and markets and covering e-commerce in the industry, and viii) coffee enthusiasts.
The Symposium will be organised by the Coffee Industry Corporation, Pacific Horticultural and Agricultural Market Access Plus (PHAMA Plus) Program and Productive Partnerships in Agriculture Project (PPAP – Coffee Component). It will be convened at the International Convention Centre in Port Moresby.