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 Category: Technical Reports  View

Cocoa is one of Solomon Islands’ main exports, with exports of around 4,500 tonnes of in 2015. This 2014 market analysis report examines market opportunities for SI cocoa, and proposes ways to improve export returns. It recommends improving the quality of cocoa to enable access to higher-grade, higher-price, cocoa markets. SI cocoa is currently lower grade due to smoke taint as a result of poor drying techniques. To address this, the report recommends trialing new cocoa drying technologies and methods (including sun drying), introducing quality control inspections and ensuring storage and transport methods maintain bean quality. The report also recommends improving SI supply chain actors’ understanding of market dynamics so as to improve their negotiating power and secure higher prices. Building links between cocoa exporters and SI commercial banks is also recommended, to improve exporters’ access to trade finance.

Key words: smoke taint, cocoa, sun-dryer, cocoa pod borer, cocoa grinders, smoke taint, cocoa-butter, fine/flavour origin cocoa, bulk cocoa, London cocoa price.
