PAPUA NEW GUINEA COFFEE SAMPLE GUIDE Coffee buyers evaluate the quality and consistency of coffee by tasting (“cupping”) production lots, and by measuring certain physical characteristics like defect count and…
PAPUA NEW GUINEA COFFEE SAMPLE GUIDE Coffee buyers evaluate the quality and consistency of coffee by tasting (“cupping”) production lots, and by measuring certain physical characteristics like defect count and…
PNG WOMEN IN COFFEE ASSOCIATION (WICA) STRATEGIC PLAN he PNG Women in Coffee Association via its strategic plan advocates a path towards sustainable, marketled production and differentiation. The role of…
The Tonga National Quality Standard has been developed to make sure that kava as a traditional and commercial commodity, is prepared and manufactured in accordance with a set of rules and guidelines to achieve food safety. The National Quality Standard provides a set of minimum requirements, specifications and guidelines that products and processes should adhere to in order to achieve product safety and meet client expectations. This standard is aligned with the Codex Regional Kava Quality Standard for kava as a food. This quality standard also provides the minimum requirements for the export of kava raw materials for further processing into other products.