
The cocoa sector in PNG is made up of approximately 150,000 households and ranks as the third most important cash crop in value after oil palm and coffee. It is largely rural based and a significant contributor to rural livelihoods. Both men and women are equally involved in cocoa production; however, men benefit more from the sale of cocoa as men take the lead in the sale process and manage the income derived from cocoa sales, as found in a World Bank (2018) study.

Despite the long history of cocoa production in PNG, smoke taint is an ongoing concern for the industry and has impacted PNG’s cocoa quality grading in the global market. Smoke taint is a result of the high smoking that cocoa beans are exposed to at the drying process. Incorrect storage of dry bean bags as well can expose beans to smoke that may cause smoke taint.

The proposed research supports the PHAMA Plus MOU between the Cocoa Board (CB) of Papua New Guinea and DT Global: Improve domestic cocoa markets and support for microlot exports.

This research will develop and implement a proposal that will generate a clear understanding of issues related to smoke taint, especially related to types of wood currently used, and make recommendations for suitable wood species that can be sustainably used to reduce smoke taint.

Species recommended could be further promoted in the whole of industry for farmers to incorporate into their farming systems thus reducing the chopping down of trees for cocoa processing.

Scope of Work

There are two elements to the scope of work:

  • Develop a proposal for research on smoke taint of cocoa- to include:
    • an analysis of a selection of wood species that are currently being used by farmers.
    • determine smoke levels produced from different tree species used as wood fuel and the issues related to smoke taint of cocoa.
    • conduct pilot trials on current and alternative wood for cocoa drying.
    • document what was done in the pilot trials, how it was done and the results.
    • a list of recommended wood species suitable to achieve good quality cocoa with minimal to no smoke taint.
    • list other potential economic, food and other uses of the proposed tree species.
    • the proposal should detail a literature review, objectives, methodology, resources needed (including budget), ethical and environmental considerations and appendices if required.
  • Implement the research based on the details contained in the above research proposal. A final report should also be provided.

Other considerations

  • Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI): highlight the involvement of women, youth and people with disabilities in improving the quality of Pacific agricultural produce and exports.
  • Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Resilience (ECDR): ensure relevant elements of ECDR are recognised throughout development and implementation of the research proposal.
  • Ensure that PHAMA Plus processes and procedures are effectively implemented in accordance with DT Global policies and procedures including, but not limited to the DT Global Code of Conduct, Fraud and Anti-Corruption Policy, Confidentiality, Child Protection and Health and Safety, as well as being compliant with the requirements of relevant Australian and Pacific Island country laws.
  • Ensure the efficient delivery of activities, with a zero-tolerance approach to fraud.
  • Provide client-focused, responsive technical support to the PHAMA Plus program and achieve a high level of internal and external customer satisfaction.

Qualifications and Knowledge Required

The service provider requires:

  • Degree in agriculture, rural development or a similar discipline.
  • Ten or more years’ professional experience (preferably in engagement with the private sector).
  • Strong networks and connections in the PNG agriculture sector.
  • An excellent understanding of GEDSI issues in relation to PNG.
  • An understanding of ECDR issues related to agriculture in PNG.
  • Excellent written communication skills in English and the ability to contribute to analytical documents and reports.
  • Experience in developing and implementing research proposals.
  • Experience in undertaking research in agriculture/forestry in PNG.
  • An energetic and self-motivating approach to work.

Key relationships

  • Report to the PHAMA Plus PNG National Facilitator, with overall supervision provided by the PHAMA Plus PNG Country Manager
  • Cocoa Board of PNG

Deliverables and Timeframe

The service provider will submit:

  • A research proposal on reduction of smoke taint of cocoa and/or improved cocoa capacity within one week of signing the contract. The proposal should include a literature review, objectives, methodology, resources required (including budget), ethical and environmental considerations and appendices if required.
  • A final report, following the research.
  • Other updates as required by PHAMA Plus.

The project is expected to be complete by 30 June 2023.

Fee and Payment Schedule

The service provider  will be paid upon agreement of the completion of specific deliverables on a specific date to be agreed at the start-up of the work. Failure to meet the agreed due dates could result in payment of consultant fees being withheld pending further discussions with Hiring Manager or a renewed due date for deliverables being agreed upon.

Schedule of Payments: Fees will be paid in arrears, upon submission of a correctly rendered invoice supported by a timesheet, and provision of any agreed and approved deliverables due during the invoicing or input period. Timesheets and deliverables are to be approved by the Hiring Manager.


Proposals must include the following:

  • A brief methodology for the achievement of the services above, to be provided, outlining how the activities will be delivered (No more than 2 x A4 pages). The methodology must address why the service provider is suited for this activity, including but not limited to:
  • A description of senior personnel (e.g. lead researcher) who will be available for PHAMA Plus;
  • Consultant’s approach to health, safety and security, child protection and environmental safeguards;
  • How the consultant will achieve value for money.
  • A financial proposal. This should include a daily rate in PGK for the personnel available and suited to the assignment. Any management fee charged must be included in the daily rates for each person. Other expenses including travel costs may be required and will be negotiated with the preferred supplier. They should not be included in the financial proposal.

Note: it is preferable that consultants have their own Public and Product Liability insurance and Professional Indemnity Insurance. DT Global will cover medical and travel insurance while providing the services to DT Global, including emergency assistance if and as required.


PHAMA Plus will evaluate all quotes against the following criteria. Proposals should be address the following criteria in their brief methodology:



Assessment Criteria



Degree in agriculture, rural development or a similar discipline



Ten or more years’ professional experience (preferably in engagement with the private sector)



Strong networks and connections in the PNG agriculture sector



An excellent understanding of GEDSI issues in relation to PNG



An understanding of ECDR issues related to agriculture in PNG



Excellent written communication skills in English and the ability to contribute to analytical documents and reports



Experience in developing and implementing research proposals



Experience in undertaking research in agriculture/forestry in PNG



An energetic and self-motivating approach to work



The technical score will account for 70% of the overall score using the following formula:


Technical Score =


Service Provider Weighted Technical Score (out of 100)


X 70

Highest Weighted Technical Score (out of 100)

The financial score will account for 30% of the overall score using the following formula:


Price Score =


Price of Lowest Technically Suitable Bid


X 30


Service Provider Bid Price



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