Capacity of the Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa to Undertake Food Safety and Quality Testing for Export Products – Part 4

Training on food safety and quality testing for export products was undertaken as part of efforts to build the capacity of the Samoa Research Organisation of Samoa (SROS). The training was specifically aimed at supporting the micro-section of the SROS lab to validate new tests that would have relevance for potential customers of SROS. The new food act specifies Vibrio parahaemolyticus; hence the decision to perform a detection method for this species. It was also considered relevant for the lab to update the existing method for Vibrio cholerae detection in water supplies. This means that if the Ministry of Health should be dealing with an outbreak of cholera, the SROS lab could be engaged to test water supplies. All validations of the Microbiological methods included in this report are at a stage where they can be considered for accreditation. Although adequate training was provided for the aflatoxin method, a positive control will need to be implemented before the method can be considered for accreditation. The training provided on a number of topics was received well and attended by a large number of staff.

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